
  • Just announced! Two New UK Shows!

    · By Andrew Maciejewski

    JUST ANNOUNCED!Two new UK shows! June 16th - O2 Academy Glasgow - Glasgow, UK - TICKETSJune 17th - Electric Ballroom - London, UK - TICKETS The presale starts tomorrow (March 19th) at 10 am GMT!Check your Cocoine stash! If you are a Fanther or above you can access the presale code HEREIf it's your first time... That's cool we'll be gentle.More about Fanthers HERETickets on-sale to the public March 20th at 10am GMT.

  • Canada, It's time to get Crazy B*#ch!

    · By Steel Panther

    Canada! (and select us cities) we going to be all up in side you head first! This time with Buckcherry! Get ready to get wild and make a night of the best bad decisions you never knew you wanted to make.Presale and VIP sales start 10am today! and end on the 13th at 10pm! Check your Cocoine and if you are at a Fanther level or above you can access the presale code HERE. If you are new to the whole idea, you can read more about it HERE Tickets will then go on-sale Feb 12th at 10am in each market, and...

  • Announcing Legs 2 and 3 of the Feel The Steel 15th Anniversary Tour!

    · By Steel Panther

    As 2024 comes to a memorable close this holiday season, California metal maestros Steel Panther are spreading more holiday cheer with the announcement of two more legs of their Feel The Steel 15TH Anniversary World Tour. The first leg is scheduled for March throughout the United States and the second leg heads to Europe this summer. Check your Cocoine balance here! If you're in the Fanther tier or above you can get pre-sale codes right here. Tickets will go on-sale to the public this Friday, Dec 13th and 10am in each market. All festivals are already on sale. Mar 5:...

  • 15th Anniversary Edition of Steel Panther's Debut Album 'Feel The Steel' Now Available Wherever Music is Consumed!

    · By J.T. Arbogast

    Debut Album Recently Certified Gold in the United KingdomAnniversary Tour Scheduled to Kick Off Next Week Today is the day that Fanthers around the globe have been waiting for, the 15th Anniversary Edition of Steel Panther’s classic debut album Feel The Steel is now available worldwide. Released originally in 2009, the spandex-clad quartet burst on to the music scene and took the world by storm with the release of their debut single “Death To All But Metal.” Songs like “Asian Hooker,” “Community Property” and “Girl From Oklahoma” won over fans and critics alike. The debut album also featured guest appearances...

  • 15 Years Later - It's Time To Re-Feel The Steel!

    · By Steel Panther

    Announcing the 15th Anniversary Edition of Feel The Steel! The expanded edition includes "You Don't Make Me Feel Dumb" and "I Want Your Tits" which were previously only available in Japan. The new version features completely new art and is available on limited edition Purple Marble vinyl, CD and Cassette. Pre-Orders RIGHT HERE will receive a digital download on release day that includes demos and exclusive content not available anywhere else. To celebrate the 15th Anniversary of the album, Steel Panther will be heading out on the – you guessed it – Feel The Steel 15TH Anniversary Tour. If you're...

  • Australia! We're Going Down, Again!

    · By Steel Panther

    Panther Panther Panther, Oi Oi Oi!!! It’s that time once again, Steel Panther have stolen their mom’s credit cards and bought flights to Australia. On this tour Down Under, we are planning on rocking you so hard, that you will need to make a doctor’s appointment to fix all the organs that will explode from the deep, penetrating joy of partying with these American heavy metal legends and world-class athletes. You already know that Fanthers can get their hands on presale tickets on Thursday 13th June at 10am local time right here, and general sale is from Tuesday 18th June...